engkau boleh !!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Trip Subjek Silvikultur Ke Bidor, Perak

Assalammualaikum & Salam Kejauhan
Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang

Sebenarnya takde la jauh sangat Wida pergi. Cuma melengkapkan trip ke Bidor Perak untuk subjek Silvikultur pada semester empat Wida di Universiti Putra Malaysia. 

Di sinilah kami menginap selama tiga hari dua malam. Seronok juga stay kat sini sebab tidur ramai2 dalam dorm. 

Good morning. Before start the first trip

Actually, this is first time i'm going to Perak. Before this i just dreaming to visit Perak. Now, i'm at Perak and this is a free. Just pay for tol highway and prepare money for food.

So, now start for studying all about subject sivilculture

Zone Wida Tersayang

: Wida love to talk :
: Wida love to read books, magazines, newspapers and other :
: Wida like to hear opinions and views of those around me :
:I'am a positive minded and like something unique and beautiful:
: I have a collection of cans of Coca-Cola and Pepsi, other than that I like to collect the school badge and I like to write what comes tp mind :
: I like to capture pictures and I really interested in photography because it is very artistic and creative :